Sliding Scale
How the sliding scale works
Basically, you pick the tier that’s right for you and you book your appointment at that level.
The amount you pay is either my full fee, a fee that helps subsidize others, or a fee that gets subsidized by someone who has more.
A note about money feelings
Money stuff is harder for some people than others.
I know that this process places an emotional burden on some people; that is a big ask I don’t take lightly. Please be honest but gentle with yourself as you consider your options and know that things can change and shift over time and we’ll talk about it if we need to.
And remember: no financial “score” is ever an indicator of your true worth, happiness, or well-being.
Sliding Scale Scorecard
Only you will decide how much you will invest in yourself and in this process but I’ll give you some guidance to make a choice that ultimately affects both of us (isn’t it beautiful how we’re all so connected to each other? I’m going to go sniff some flowers and think about that…)
Use the calculator below to figure out your “score” then review my rates and decide what level you should consider using to book your appointments. If your score is below the lowest range, consider seeking free or alternative resources for now.
Rates valid June 15, 2021 – Sept 30, 2023
Tier 1: Supporter
(53+ points)
Tier 2: Full fee
(23-52 points)
Tier 3: Subsidized fee
(16-22 points)
Sliding Scale Calculator
This calculator is a guide like any other guide; it’s meant to be a tool that helps you decide something for yourself. While I’ve done a ton of math and put a lot of thought into how this calculator is set up, you should use it knowing that you’ll need to think through it a bit and decide for yourself—which is part of the point. And let me know if you have feedback about your experience! It’s a shifting an evolving process making this happen.
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